This guide highlights the process for signing up for a code review of the homework. This is relevant for the Homework 1 Review, Homework 3 Review, and Homework 4 Review assignments.



Code review is only performed on functional and cleaned up code. See below for details.

Automated Checks

The autograder bot will verify the eligibility of your code for review by checking the following:

  1. Your code must pass all of the relevant homework tests.

    For example, for Homework 1 Review, your code must still pass the tests for Homework 1 ArgumentParser, Homework 1 FileStemmer, and Homework 1 JsonWriter assignments.

  2. Your code must not have any compile or Javadoc warnings.

  3. Your code must not have any TODO comments remaining. When you are done with a TODO comment, go ahead and delete it. There is no need to keep those comments around in the code.

  4. Your code must be free of stack traces. While these are useful for debugging, your code should decide how to deal with an exception before code review.

The autograder bot will notify you if there are any of the above style issues. Go to the GitHub Action run logs to find the exact issue and line number. Otherwise, it will indicate the code passed the automated checks required for a code review.

Fixing Style Issues

If you see a message like:

► Check for ???…. ❌ Unable to ???. Expand above for details.

You need to open the “Check for” toggle above the error message to see the exact issues.

For example: