For this project, you will modify your Project 3 Threads code to create a multithreaded web crawler capable of building the inverted index from a seed URI of an HTML web page.

This project is broken into three parts: v4.0 focused on adding a single page, and v4.1 focused on adding multiple pages using multithreading. See each milestone writeup for details.

The code review process for this project is handled differently. Your design will be evaluated in a single code review. Your code will either pass or not pass in that review; there will be no opportunity for resubmission.

<aside> <img src="/icons/error_gray.svg" alt="/icons/error_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Do NOT use any of the classes in the java.util.concurrent package and do NOT use the Stream.parallel method for the multithreaded code.




This project is broken into multiple milestones:

Project v4.0 Webpage

Project v4.1 Website

Project v4.2 Design

See each milestone for more details.


The Homework 4 homework bundle is related to this project:


You SHOULD integrate all of the classes from this homework bundle directly into your project implementation.
