For this project, you will extend your Project 4 Crawl code to create a multithreaded search engine with a web interface that allows users to enter multi-word search queries into an HTML form and get back sorted partial search results as a dynamically generated web page using embedded Jetty and servlets.

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> There are no code review assignments for this project. The functionality your project will be evaluated during finals week only. See the Final Review guide for details.




This project is broken into multiple milestones:

Project v5.0 Core

Project v5.1 Features

See each milestone for more details.


You can find the timeline for this project below:


Pay attention to the prerequisites for each assignment, and progress through the homework and project milestones in the order they are assigned.